Elephantech will exhibit at MWC Barcelona 2024

Elephantech will participate in MWC Barcelona 2024, which will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from Monday, February 26 to Thursday, February 29, 2024, for four days.

MWC Barcelona 2024 is the world’s largest telecommunications event.
Elephantech plans to exhibit at a booth within the Japan Pavilion, sponsored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, under the category of “Device/Component Technologies for 5G/6G“.At our booth, we will display actual samples of our PCBs that have achieved “resource efficiency” and “reduction of CO2 emissions” while being successfully mass-produced.

Please feel free to take photos and we are also available for interviews.
We look forward to seeing you at our booth, whether you are a member of the media or someone interested in Elephantech’s technology.

Thank you and we look forward to your visit.

MWC Barcelona 2024
Conference MWC Barcelona 2024
Date 26 Mon. – 29 Thu. February 2024
Venue Fira Gran Via
Av. Joan Carles I, 64
08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
Barcelona ▶ Map
Booths We are participating in Japan Pavilion Hall 6, Booth No. 6E54
D-4(Venue map
Elephantech page https://mandmcolor.com/mwc2024japanpavilion/wp-content/themes/mwc/assets/pdf/Web-D-4_Elephantech%20Inc.pdf