
At Elephantech, we’re developing our own unique high-precision inkjet printing equipment for mass production.


NeuralJet™ is a high-precision inkjet manufacturing technology achieved through advanced control techniques and AI. Rather than individually modeling the numerous error factors such as print operation errors, nozzle individuality, head assembly errors, and nozzle state changes, a single AI model absorbs them all. This enables high-precision ejection using general-purpose piezo chips while achieving a technical configuration suitable for mass production and widespread adoption.

Elephantech will start mass production of printed circuit boards (PCBs) using this technology from 2025, and will also expand into applications other than PCBs such as semiconductor post-processes and displays.

Key Feature 1: Ultra-high precision inkjet technology using general-purpose piezo chips

Using a proprietary printer with general-purpose piezo chips, extremely high printing accuracy has been achieved, such as “average drop position error of less than 2µm*1” and “100% drop landing of 20µm droplets into 40µm grooves and wells*2“.

Key Feature 2: Integrated proprietary AI model that runs on local computing resources

Rather than modeling and solving individual errors, a proprietary integrated AI model models and absorbs all types of errors. By having AI learn and correct for process and assembly variations in MEMS and more, high accuracy is achieved while building a lightweight model that runs on local computing resources*3.

Key Feature 3: Fluid control and machine control optimized for easy AI modeling

Unlike the previous paradigm of “achieving absolute accuracy”, fluid control and machine control optimized for “ease of AI modeling” enable high accuracy with a lightweight model.

Key Feature 4: Practical manufacturing system backed by mass production experience

Leveraging the experience of being the only company in the world*4 to successfully mass-produce PCBs using inkjet printing of metal nanoparticle ink, a practical manufacturing system usable in mass production sites has been built.

  1. Average drop landing error of 1.74µm (validation set not used for learning) for 643 droplets randomly placed within an 80mm square work.
  2. 2596 points of 4.8pL droplets ejected into 40µm wide grooves with no adhesion outside the grooves.
  3. GPU etc. corresponding to equipment scale required.
  4. Elephantech research, as of announcement date.

For more details, please refer to this(PDF).

Exceptional reliability

As inkjet print processing involves applying ink using thousands of nozzles, it naturally presents challenges in obtaining reliable patterning quality. On top of this, unlike standard graphic printing, these printers are creating wiring patterns. A missing drop of ink would result in a broken circuit and a splash in the wrong place would cause it to short circuit, both issues that would render the product defective. To ensure high production yield, we not only optimized printhead drive control but also developed an ink supply system, nozzle monitoring system, and nozzle maintenance system to ensure reliable discharge of metal nanoparticle ink over long periods of time.

High productivity

nkjet print processing requires the assembly of a large number of printheads to ensure high definition and optimal productivity. However, more printheads naturally means more challenges in ensuring accuracy and reliability. At Elephantech, our large inkjet units with tens of thousands of nozzles are equipped with both discharge condition monitoring technologies and error correction technologies to enable production of 30 square meters of product per hour with a single unit.