December, 2022

Elephantech Wins Best Business Practices Award at the EcoBalance International Conference
Tokyo, Japan - Elephantech Inc. ("Elephantech") won the EcoBalance Award for the Best Business Practices at the 15th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance held at Fukuoka Convention Center from October 30 to November 2.

Elephantech Receives Mizuho Award at Forbes JAPAN’s Special Gala Dinner
Mizuho Bank Senior Advisor and Former Chairman Nobuhide Hayashi (left) and Elephantech CEO Shinya Shimizu (right) Elephantech was selected by Mizuho Bank as the recipient of the special “Mizuho Award” at the Forbes JAPAN Special Gala Dinner held at Palace Hotel Tokyo on December 13, 2022. As well as unveiling Forbes JAPAN’s entrepreneur ranking for 2023, the event also allowed its sponsors, such as Mizuho Bank, to nominate and award prizes to startups of their choice. Elephantech CEO Shinya Shim […]

Selected for "Google for Startups International Sales Academy”
Elephantech Inc (Shinya Shimizu, CEO & CTO, Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo;), A manufacturer and seller of P-Flex®, an eco-friendly metal inkjet printer electronic circuit board announces that Google has selected it for its startup program, “Google for Startups International Sales Academy”, a program for startups organized by Google. What is Google for Startups International Sales Academy? Google for Startups offers programs around the world to help startups grow further. The nine […]

Polyester Fabric Decolorization Technology for Textile Reuse
“Neochromato Process” wins crQlr Awards
Elephantech Inc. has won the “Decolor Without Waste Award” at the “crQlr Awards,” an international competition for products and ideas that design a circular economy. Elephantech and NICCA CHEMICAL CO., LTD. won the “Decolor Without Waste Award” at the “crQlr Awards” for the “Neochromato Process”, a polyester textile decoloring technology that enables the reuse of garments by changing their colors and patterns.

Notice of Booth Exhibit at SEMICON Japan2022 FLEX Japan
Elephantech, Inc. will be exhibiting at the SEMICON Japan2022 FLEX Japan booth at the Tokyo Big Sight site from December 14, 2022 (Wed) to December 16, 2021 (Fri), 10:00-17:00. Introduction of Elephantech’s efforts to reduce GHG Introduction and sample exhibition of FPC P-Flex®, which is mass-produced using our unique Pure Additive™️ production with low environmental impact Introduction of case studies of challenges in the field of inkjet applications: Neochromato Process, TabbyPrint If yo […]

TabbyPrint Selected for Print Production of Artist Aguri Sagimori’s “MMMME” Artwork
Tokyo, Japan — Elephantech Inc. (“Elephantech”) announced that the company’s TabbyPrint technology which allows inkjet printers to print “unique, one-of-a-kind, individual identification patterns” has been selected by the artist Aguri Sagimori for the print production of her “MMMME” artwork. The collaboration is part of Elephantech’s market verification activities for its new technology. Through this project, TabbyPrint printed materials will be created, exhibited, and sold for the first time.

[Media Coverage] TechCrunch: Elephantech wants to create circuit boards that are kinder to the environment
In an article by Kate Park of TechCrunch titled “Elephantech wants to create circuit boards that are kinder to the environment” in TechCrunch (November 17, 2022), Elephantech is Featured. Twitter Elephantech wants to create circuit boards that are kinder to the environment by @kateparknews — TechCrunch (@TechCrunch) November 17, 2022

[Media Coverage]AllAboutCIRCUITS:Elephantech Turns to Additive Manufacturing
In an article titled “Elephantech Turns to Additive Manufacturing” in AllAboutCIRCUITS (November 22, 2022)., Elephantech is Featured. ▶ Media Coverage List of Media Articles

Elephantech Develops “TabbyPrint,”
a Unique identification marks Printing Technology
That Can Be Linked to Blockchain and Ensures Traceability.
Elephantech Inc. has developed "TabbyPrint," an inkjet Unique identification marks Printing Technology that can print directly on objects. Since this technology is expected to be used with blockchain to ensure traceability and other applications, Elephantech will begin proof-of-concept (PoC) activities.

Elephantech raises 2.15 billion yen through third-party allotment of new shares.
-Total amount raised reaches 7 billion yen-
Elephantech Inc. developer of innovative manufacturing technologies that significantly reduce water, resources, and energy consumption of printed circuit boards, has raised 2.15 billion yen through a third-party allocation of new shares.

[Media Coverage] The technical trial of Neochromato process was introduced in "GREEN WORK HAKUBA vol.4".
GREEN WORK HAKUBA vol.4, a co-creation program to think about a sustainable and “fun” future based on the “Circular Economy,” was held in Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture, from July 27 to 29, 2022. The GREEN WORK HAKUBA page introduced a hands-on experience of Elephantech’s Neochromato process technology. GREEN WORK HAKUBA/CDS.

[Interview] What is a new sample?
This Interview is with Mr. Ueno of our P-Flex® Sales Department about Elephantech’s new FPC P-Flex® sample boards. What is a new sample? We named the sample “Killer Sample” to mean “a sample that is attractive (to a specific industry)” in a similar way to what is commonly referred to as “Killer Content” or “Killer Application” in general terms. We have been providing samples to introduce P-Flex® to many people, but this sample is different fr […]

[Media Coverage] : Elephantech и NICCA CHEMICAL разработали технологию Neochromato для удаления отпечатков с полиэфирной ткани
Neochromat process was introduced in Russian media. ▶ Elephantech и NICCA CHEMICAL разработали технологию Neochromato для удаления отпечатков с полиэфирной ткани

【Video】Elephantech: Company Introduction by CEO 2022
To help you better understand Elephantech’s business, here is a video in which CEO Shinya Shimizu explains the company’s technologies and strategies in an easy-to-understand manner. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us! Contact information for alliances, partnerships, etc. Elephantech: Company Introduction by CEO 2022(9:32)

Selected for NEDO’s FY2022 “Technology-based Startup Program / Product Commercialization Alliance (PCA)”
Elephantech Inc. has been selected by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization for the " Technology-based Startup Program / Product Commercialization Alliance (PCA)" for the fiscal year 2022.The program will provide grants of up to approximately 250 million yen.

Selected for NEDO’s FY2022 “Technology-based Startup Support Program”
Elephantech Inc. has been selected by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization for the "Technology-based Startup Support Program" for the fiscal year 2022. The program will provide grants of up to approximately 200 million yen.