Elephantech wins the METI Award at the “Award for Academic Startups 2023”

Elephantech was awarded the “METI(Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry) Award” in the “Award for Academic Startups 2023” hosted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

Elephantech has been awarded the prize based on the following reasons as stated by the award’s organizing committee: Firstly, Elephantech has successfully established a new manufacturing method for printed circuit boards using metal inkjet printing technology and has already achieved mass production. Secondly, their unique technology for reducing environmental impact holds the potential to provide sustainable solutions to societal challenges like climate change, making them highly promising for further growth in the future.

Elephantech is committed to reducing the environmental impact in the global electronics industry under the mission of “Making the world sustainable with new manufacturing technologies.”

The award ceremony will be held at Tokyo Big Sight on Thursday, August 24. Our CEO, Shinya Shimizu, will be presenting on the stage during the event.

The website of the Award for Academic Startups (Japanese Only)


About the Award for Academic Startups

The Award for Academic Startups was established in 2014 and has been honoring exceptional startups that utilize the research achievements of universities and institutions. This award aims to support and promote these spin-off startups, while also encouraging academic institutions to assist these ventures.

About Elephantech

Elephantech Inc. is a startup that has achieved a significant milestone in the field of PCB manufacturing, by becoming the first company in the world to successfully manufacture PCBs using metal inkjet printing. With the mission of “Making the world sustainable with new manufacturing technologies”, Elephantech provides their innovative inkjet printing solutions to promote their manufacturing method as the new global standard. For more information about Elephantech and its products, visit the company’s website at elephantech.com/en/

Company Overview

Name Elephantech Inc.
Establishment January 2014
Headquarters 4-3-8 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0032, Japan
Representative Shinya Shimizu, Representative Director & CEO
Business Description Development of printed electronics manufacturing technology and provision of related services
Contact for inquiries regarding this matter

Elephantech Inc. Public Relations